
how to whiten teeth at home in one day

How to whiten teeth at home in one day, yes ma'am yellow spices, famous for its innumerable health benefits, in addition to its ability to restore natural whiteness very quickly, turmeric contains an ingredient called curcumin, this ingredient has antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve From inflammation of the teeth such as gingivitis, tooth pain and especially wisdom tooth, follow with me to find out the method of teeth whitening.

how to whiten teeth at home in one day

how to whiten teeth at home in one day

new smile dental with turmeric Turmeric has been proven to whiten dental despite its yellow color, but it not only whitens your teeth but also cleanses teeth to remove bacterial infections that may exist, thanks to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties found in turmeric.

How to use turmeric mixture to whiten teeth

Turmeric can be used to whiten dental at home in many ways, turmeric powder can be mixed with baking soda and coconut oil or it can be simply mixed with water to make a paste.

Here are some effective ways to get a white smile like you've visited the Hollywood Smile Clinic: 

new smile dental with turmeric

Mix a spoonful of turmeric powder with equal amount of water to make a thick paste. Use the paste to gently brush your teeth for 3 to 4 minutes. Then wash your mouth thoroughly, repeat this regularly for quick results. Blaming turmeric is terrible and will stain your brush but this will be a small price for the result you will get to whiten your teeth.

Yes, one of the best ways to whiten teeth naturally and effectively and proven way.

New Smile dental With Turmeric And Coconut Oil

Mix 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of baking soda add 2 and a half tablespoons of coconut oil, then mix it well.

Use the mixture to brush your teeth for about 3 minutes.

Rinse and rinse with water thoroughly.

Repeat this regularly to get the Hollywood smile you always want.

So turmeric and baking soda for teeth whitening is an ideal treatment and natural remedy. 

white smile home whitening with banana peel

You can whiten the banana peel by rubbing its inner side on your teeth for 5 to 10 minutes, then brushing your teeth after a few minutes.The banana peel is rich in magnesium, manganese and potassium that recharge the enamel.You can repeat this at least twice a day.

how to get whiten dental with baking soda

Baking soda is one of the best treatments that help teeth whitening at home.baking soda for teeth, Baking soda can be used in two ways to whiten your teeth, the first way is that you can add one tablespoon of baking soda in one cup of water and mix it, then use this mixture as a mouthwash, secondly, you can make a paste of baking soda, to make a paste, take some amount of Bake soda and add enough water to make a paste. Brush your teeth with baking soda paste.

how to whiten teeth at home with strawberries

Strawberry contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to make your teeth whiter, take 2 or 3 grains of strawberries, crushed and made into a paste, you can also add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the strawberry paste, spread it on your teeth and leave it for a few minutes, rub the paste on Gently, repeat this treatment at least twice a day for a few weeks.

how to whiten teeth naturally from yellowing lemon

Lemon juice can also help to get rid of yellow, take one lemon and extract the juice from it, use it as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth at least twice a week, lemon peels can also be used for this purpose, rubbing lemon peels on the teeth for 5 minutes, lemon Helps kill germs and prevents further growth of microorganisms.

How to whiten dental with neem stick

Neem stick is also good for getting white and healthy teeth as a hollywood smile.Nem stick is used to remove bad smell, which makes gums healthy, remove stains and stop bleeding gums.Take neem stick and chew it properly every morning and before bed, use neem stick Daily helps to combat teeth problems, make them clean and prevent germ attack. 

dental whitening with salt

Salt (or sodium chloride) can also teeth whiten , which are slightly antibacterial but not as much as baking soda.
Put some salt in the water as much as you can, and stir it around your teeth, then brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste and rinse with mouthwash. 


To achieve white dental and healthy tooth hygiene you should be very careful and pay close attention to your diet and anything else that comes in contact with him.

Brushing your teeth regularly after meals will help to keep your mouth clean, sometimes with days passing your teeth may appear colored.

When this happens, many people may be unaware of the natural remedy that will restore their confident smile. 

Yellowing teeth can also be caused by cigarette smoking, well, turmeric is an excellent tooth whitener that you won't pay much to get as it is readily available and cheap, it can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, not only as an ovary but also as an antibiotic.